Thursday, August 05, 2004

Clarity and Conviction?

Bush Mispeaks Again (from

They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
-President Bush

Scott McClellan's answer. "The American people know this president speaks with clarity and conviction."

Call me crazy - but isn't this what Michael Moore has been saying along?

Back to the Future

Haven't seen much in the paper today that really caught my eye. But I am glad to see that Break Dancing is on its way back. I should have expected it though, between the puma and atari comebacks, it was bound to return.

On something we agree

Got to say that 99% of the time I don't agree with anything Peggy Noonan has to say. But today I think she got it right (even if she is on the other side of the aisle).

"I also decided that when you are living through crucial history and you believe one political party is on balance right, and trying to fight a valiant fight, you should join in if you can."

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

More good quotes

I would like to see the "liberal" media pick up on a few of these.

It would be interesting to see the Dems get a spine. Dennis Miller can make fag jokes about Kerry and Edwards- while HRC pulls Marget Cho from the DNC Unity Event last week and Whoopie gets fired by Slimfast.

When will the national media pick this stuff up?

Who said that?

From NY Times today.

"The danger here is that once a president loses credibility with the Congress, as this president has through months of lies and deceit and manipulations and deceptions, stonewalling, it raises into doubt everything he does and everything he says, and maybe everything he doesn't do and doesn't say. I just hope and pray the decision that was made was made on the basis of sound judgment, and made for the right reasons, and not made because it was necessary to save the president's job."

Not a Democrat speaking of Bush's motives for raising the terror alert on Monday. The quote is from Repulican Senator Daniel Coats in 1998. Coats was referring to President Clinton's motives for bombing al Qaeda outposts a few days following his confession on the Lewinsky affair.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Links of the Day

Haven't seen this story in the US Press today

In answer to the question
"Is it legal to kill a beaver in Massachusetts?",1413,106~4994~2309670,00.html

and as it is Tuesday.... Paul Krugman's column from the Times